
Terms of Use

These Terms of Use outline the relationship between you ("User" or "You") and our Services, encompassing the entire technology platform integrated into the SwapEasy.net website ("Website"), the associated application program interface, and mobile applications. They constitute the comprehensive agreement governing the use of any of our Services.

The operation of the Services is managed by SwapEasy LLC ("We," "Us," "Service Provider").

If you do not agree to abide by these Terms of Use, please refrain from accessing or using the Services.

We retain the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice, so it is advisable to check them regularly. Your continued use of the Services indicates your acceptance of any changes we may implement to these Terms of Use, even without prior notification.

You acknowledge that electronic communication is the sole method of communication recognized under these Terms of Use and in your use of the Services. All notifications and documents will be dispatched to your email address, and you are required to transmit any notifications and documents to us through similar means.

These Terms of Use constitute the complete understanding between the parties regarding the subject matter herein and supersede all prior understandings and communications concerning it. You affirm that all information disclosed to us in connection with these Terms of Use is true, accurate, and complete.

The Services may integrate or necessitate the use of third-party products and services. Your utilization of such third-party products and services will be subject to the respective terms and conditions and privacy policies of the third party, which you agree is your responsibility to regularly review before using such products and services. It is clarified that all information, token, or digital currency swap and exchange functions present on or linked to the Services are provided "as is" and received from third parties. They are not our products, as we do not facilitate such swaps or exchanges, nor do we act as custodians for any form of e-money, stored value, digital coins, or tokens.

If you have inquiries regarding these Terms of Use, your rights and responsibilities under these terms, your usage of the Website and the Service, or any other issues, please reach out to us at [email protected].

By utilizing the Services and persisting in their use, you declare the following:

  • You are a minimum of 18 years old or meet the age requirements set by the local regulations of your residence for an individual with full legal capacity.
  • You have not faced suspension or expulsion from the Services previously.
  • You possess complete authority to establish this legal relationship and doing so will not breach any other legal agreements.
  • You ensure that your crypto assets are not sold, encumbered, in dispute, or subject to seizure, and no third parties hold rights to your crypto assets.
  • You will utilize our Services with your personal email, exclusively for your own benefit, and will not act on behalf of any other person or in their interest.

By utilizing the Services, you commit to supplying us with current, precise, and comprehensive information about yourself. You explicitly ensure that the information provided to us is truthful and accurate. Additionally, you agree to undergo Anti-Money Laundering/Know Your Customer (AML/KYC) procedures periodically if required. You undertake the responsibility to keep your user information updated and promptly notify us of any security issues. Moreover, you acknowledge and accept that certain third-party providers may conduct additional AML/KYC procedures, and the Service Provider will not be engaged or held liable for any such KYC/AML proceedings, including liability for data protection and retention.

You affirm that you are not a Politically Exposed Person, or a family member or close associate thereof, and you are not listed on any trade or economic sanctions lists. You also confirm that you are not restricted or prohibited from engaging in any type of trading by administrative law enforcement agencies. If you are associated with any of the restricted areas due to your nationality, domicile, citizenship, residence, or other reasons, including but not limited to Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cuba, Crimea, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, United States of America (including territories), and any other countries subject to United Nations Security Council Sanctions List, or in a jurisdiction where local laws prohibit you from accessing or using the Services at any time, you agree not to use the Service. In the event of a violation, we reserve the right to reject any User's exchange instructions and compel you to withdraw all crypto assets from the platform.

Furthermore, you declare, agree, and warrant that you will not breach any law, contract, intellectual property, or other third-party rights or commit a tort. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for your conduct while using the Services.

If you are using the Services on behalf of any entity, you assure that the legal entity is duly organized and validly existing under the applicable laws of its jurisdiction and that you are authorized to accept the Terms of Use on its behalf. The entity agrees to be responsible to us if you violate the Terms of Use.

You also guarantee that you will not use the Services for illegal activities such as gambling, fraud, money laundering, terrorist activities, or any other illegal activities. You agree not to use any automated means or develop third-party applications that interact with our Services without our prior written consent. Providing false, inaccurate, or misleading information, as well as encouraging or inducing any third party to engage in prohibited activities, are strictly prohibited.

You additionally assure that you can cover any and all expenses associated with accessing and using the Services.

By accepting these terms, you authorize us to send commercial information to you via email, SMS, mobile notification, or mailing address.

The Services are designed to aggregate and furnish information about cryptocurrencies, utility tokens, digital coins/currency, initial offerings that do not constitute securities or securities-tokens, and other relevant digital currency details. This also encompasses APIs, widgets, plugins, extensions, patches, event listings, whether developed by the Service Provider or other third parties, information purchase, token swap functionalities (developed and provided by third parties), update functions, third-party products (including applications, widgets, coins, and tokens), and/or any other services and products provided by the Service Provider, either independently or in collaboration with other third parties.

The Services encompass our API, which is available for use without charges, contingent upon compliance with these Terms of Use, and third-party services/products, such as token swaps and identification protection. The terms and conditions of these third-party services are applicable and should be adhered to. We do not provide direct or indirect warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding our Services. It is strongly recommended that you conduct your own checks, verifications, consult with advisors, and ensure the suitability of our Services, as well as the acceptability of the terms and conditions of third-party service providers before using any such Services. All usage of our Services, including those provided by third parties, is at your sole risk and discretion.

The Service Provider is not the creator or administrator of any Virtual Currency ("VCs"). It acts as an aggregator and intermediary between the User and various Virtual Currency exchange platforms across the globe through External Websites. The Services are designed to facilitate the exchange of VCs by connecting buyers and sellers to External Websites via the Website.

Monetary figures mentioned in the Services include all fees. Payments through the Services shall be made exclusively with VCs.

The Service Provider has no control over the generation, distribution, retention, or termination of VCs, nor does it control the market volatility of VCs. It acts solely as an intermediary for the Services offered.

Services are provided without any warranties, either express or implied. While we strive for uninterrupted Services, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted access, and there may be delays, failures, errors, omissions, or loss of transmitted information. We will make reasonable efforts to ensure normal access to the Services, and we may suspend use for maintenance, providing reasonable notice whenever possible.

External Websites: The Services may include links or references to other websites ("External Websites") or resources beyond our control. Service Provider provides such links or references, including APIs to virtual currency exchanges, solely as a convenience, making no representations about the content or security of External Websites. We are not responsible for the availability or content of External Websites. Users are urged to review the terms of use and policies of External Websites before use. The Service Provider is not responsible for third-party content accessible through the Services, and users assume all risks associated with such content or trading VCs on External Websites.

The Services are intended solely for your personal and non-commercial use.

They are provided for general information purposes only and are not meant for trading or investment activities or to address your specific financial or other needs.

Your access to the Services may be prevented or suspended if you fail to comply with any part of these Terms of Use, the referenced terms or policies, or any applicable law.

If you become aware of any unauthorized use of the Website or Services, you are obligated to notify us promptly via email at [email protected]. A user violating these Terms of Use may face restrictions on accessing the Services and may be held responsible for any losses incurred by the Service Provider or any other user of the Website.

You explicitly agree not to use the Website or our Services for any activity that violates the laws, statutes, ordinances, or regulations of any jurisdiction. Additionally, you shall not exchange VCs obtained through illegal activities using the Services, and you will refrain from engaging in any illegal activities through the Services, including but not limited to money laundering, illegal gambling operations, terrorist financing, or malicious hacking. The source of VCs exchanged by you is unknown to us, and you commit to ensuring that it always originates from legitimate sources.

The Service Provider acts solely as an information intermediary and aggregator of various virtual currency exchanges. In the event of any technical or manual errors occurring on the part of the Service Provider, the Service Provider will make best efforts to rectify the errors, including those related to transactions and records. You will be promptly informed about any corrections. If such corrections result in liability for you, you are responsible for covering that liability.

The Service Provider maintains a strict policy against the use of its Services for any unlawful purposes. Any such misuse by a user will promptly result in access restrictions and the reporting of such activities to the appropriate regulatory and statutory authorities. The Service Provider will diligently report all suspicious activities to ensure the initiation of investigations and, if necessary, prosecution against the user.

Users are prohibited from employing circumvention or obfuscating technologies to conceal their IP addresses or transaction details.

Creation or dissemination of technologies that violate, or could facilitate the violation of, the terms outlined herein is strictly forbidden. This includes technologies designed for masking IP addresses or obfuscating transaction details.

Users must refrain from misrepresenting, providing false information, or misleading the Service Provider in any way. It is explicitly communicated that we will share all details with regulatory or legal authorities, and users bear sole responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided. Legal action may be taken for any false or incorrect information furnished.

Users are advised against engaging in any suspicious activities through the Services. In the event of suspicious or substantial transactions conducted by a user, the Service Provider reserves the right, at its discretion, to verify such activity by sharing the user's IP address with the relevant authorities and, if necessary, suspend transactions or terminate access.

Notwithstanding the above, if, in the sole discretion of the Service Provider, the source of any Virtual Currency (VC) is deemed illegal or suspicious, the Service Provider reserves the right to retain and confiscate all VCs associated with such illicit or suspicious activity.

The content provided through the Services is intended to furnish information about the Service Provider, including our products, services, APIs, applications, cryptocurrency and token prices, market values, rankings, trade volume data, new ICOs, new information launches, and other aspects related to digital currency. This information is considered general knowledge only and should not be relied upon for any purpose by any entity or individual. It is strongly recommended that you conduct your own checks and seek professional advice before making any trades, investments, or swaps, as none of the content constitutes trading or investment advice or guarantees of any kind, including gains, benefits, or returns. The Service Provider makes the content and third-party products available based on information and/or products obtained from third-party sources, such as token swap functionalities.

Once Virtual Currency (VC) transactions are initiated and hit the network, they become irreversible, and we cannot cancel, modify, or reverse them.

The values of VCs are highly volatile and subject to fluctuations, which may result in an increase or decrease in the value of the VC you receive after conversion. VCs can experience significant swings in value and may even become worthless, posing inherent risks of losses associated with buying, selling, or trading in VCs. The valuation and price of VC may change after a transaction is initiated or during the transaction, and users are advised of such possibilities. The Service Provider is not liable for any changes or fluctuations in the value of VCs.

VCs operate as an autonomous and largely unregulated worldwide system of value transfer between private parties, not backed by any government or commodities, which may expose them to risks not typically associated with other forms of legal tenders.

As VC is a digital cash system managed by a peer-to-peer network, there is a risk of loss of confidence in VC trading, and its valuation is based on a supply and demand economy model.

There may be additional risks not explicitly mentioned in these Terms of Use, and users should carefully evaluate whether their financial situation and risk tolerance are suitable for buying, selling, or trading VCs.

During periods of high volume, illiquidity, fast movement, or volatility in the marketplace for any crypto assets, the actual market rate at which a trade transaction is executed may differ from the prevailing rate indicated via the Services at the time of the transaction. The Service Provider is not responsible for such rate fluctuations.

The rates provided through the Services are not considered investment or financial advice and cannot be used as a basis for investment strategy or legal positions in court. Users should not assume that the rates information is free of errors, mistakes, misrepresentations, or failures.

The Services operate on an "execution only" basis, meaning that we act on your instructions without providing advice or helping you avoid losses. Users should seek their own financial, legal, taxation, and other professional advice.

Taxes. Users are fully responsible for complying with current tax legislation at their place of residence regarding any transactions, including but not limited to revenue/income tax. Users acknowledge that it is their sole responsibility to determine, report, and remit all applicable taxes to the appropriate tax authority. The Service Provider does not bear any responsibility for determining the applicability of taxes to transfers or for collecting, reporting, withholding, or remitting any taxes arising from trades and transfers, and we do not act as a tax agent for users.

None of the information, write-ups, listings, prices, events, ICO data, photographs, pictures, graphs, charts, articles, news updates, budgets, forecasts, token swap market values, project information, testimonials, status, team information of any company, advertisements, data, analysis, reports, media files, APIs, and other content on the Website and the Services, including marketing materials, promotional updates, API updates, support patches, messages (via any channels), or other emails that you may have viewed, subscribed to, or downloaded via the Services, should be construed as advice of any kind. This includes, but is not limited to, financial advice, trading advice, investment advice, insurance advice, legal advice, or any other form of advice for which a license to provide such advice may be required under applicable law.

The Services are provided "as is" and "as available." We disclaim all representations and warranties, whether express, implied, or statutory, that are not expressly set out in these Terms of Use. This includes implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Furthermore, we do not make any representation, warranty, or guarantee regarding the reliability, timeliness, quality, suitability, or availability of the Services. We do not assure that the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free. The quality, suitability, safety, or ability of third-party providers is not guaranteed. You agree that any risk arising from your use of the Services, and any service or good requested through the Services, remains solely with you to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law.

In no event shall we, our directors, officers, members, employees, or agents be liable for indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive, or consequential damages. This includes lost profits, lost data, personal injury, or property damage related to, in connection with, or otherwise resulting from any use of the Services, regardless of our negligence (either active, affirmative, sole, or concurrent).

In no event shall we, our directors, officers, members, employees, or agents be liable for any damages, liability, or losses arising out of: (i) your use of or reliance on the Services or your inability to access or use the Services; or (ii) any transaction or relationship between you and any third-party provider; for delay or failure in performance resulting from causes beyond our reasonable control.

In no event shall our aggregate liability, whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence, whether active, passive, or imputed), product liability, strict liability, or other theory, arising out of or relating to the use of, or inability to use, or these terms exceed five thousand US dollars.

Additionally, the Service Provider makes no claims, representations, warranties (express or implied), or promises about the correctness of the Website content or services. There is no guarantee that any errors in any part of the content or services will be corrected, or that resolutions will be enhanced. No claims are made about merchantability, quality, timeliness of delivery, usability, fitness for a particular purpose, suitability for specific viewing requirements, returns on investments, creditworthiness, financial status, quality of services/products of fundraisers, security of token swaps, market value accuracy, accuracy of financial information (including projections, budgets, and forecasts), accuracy of credit check results, ratings, and other due diligence reports, the acts or omissions of other users of the Website, non-infringement, or reliability of any write-ups, products, or services displayed on the Website, services, and/or in updates. Users, at their own discretion, use services, access content, enter into subscriptions, sign-ups, and/or enter into other transactions via the Website after conducting their own due diligence checks and with due consideration. Therefore, all subscriptions, sign-ups, and/or other transactions are at the user's sole risk and voluntary assumption of liability.

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Service Provider, along with its directors, officers, employees, or representatives, from all direct or indirect liabilities. This includes, without limitation, any losses, damages, claims, costs, or expenses incurred by the Service Provider or any other third party in connection with any act or omission by you while performing your obligations under these Terms of Use. Additionally, this indemnification covers the liquidation of any of your financial instruments used to settle claims with the Service Provider, except in cases where such liabilities arise from gross negligence, willful default, or fraud on the part of the Service Provider.

Ownership: All content presented on the Services is safeguarded by copyright, design rights, trademark rights, and/or other intellectual property rights. These rights are either owned by the Service Provider, licensed to the Service Provider, or permitted for use by the Service Provider under applicable laws, whether registered, registrable, or otherwise.

You acknowledge and agree that, without our prior written consent, you are not authorized to reproduce, copy, download, decompile, disassemble, extract, store, distribute, lease, time-share, publish, sell, translate, modify, or create derivative works from any part of the content, products, or services displayed on the Website. You are strictly prohibited from copying, reproducing, duplicating, downloading, deriving, modifying, translating, hacking, distributing, leasing, renting, or dealing with any part of our content or services except for viewing or using strictly for the purpose for which it was made available, as permitted herein.

Any names, logos, trademarks, service marks, or brands, whether registered or not, appearing on the Website and the Services belong to the Service Provider or third parties who have agreed to display their names on the Website and the Services. You are not allowed to copy, replicate, modify, extract, download, or use any such names for any purpose without the prior written consent of the Service Provider.

We reserve the right to take legal action against unauthorized use of our content.

Limited Use: Subject to the provisions of these Terms of Use and your compliance with them, the Service Provider grants you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, and non-transferable license to use the Services for your personal use only, and not for any commercial purpose. Except as otherwise granted herein, you have no other rights to any content, services, products, or services, and you may not modify, edit, copy, distribute, reproduce, publish, display, perform, license, sell, rent, lease, loan, develop derivatives, create any index, translate, reverse engineer, alter, enhance, provide access to, or exploit any part of the content, services, branding, or any of our services or products in any manner.

The Services may contain or co-host specific content provided by third parties ("Third-Party Content"). This content is operated by and belongs to the respective third parties, and it is protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property rights according to applicable laws, regulations, foreign laws, and international conventions. The owners of Third-Party Content retain all ownership and intellectual property rights. We explicitly disclaim any and all liability associated with your use of Third-Party Content. Your utilization of such content is undertaken at your own risk and may be subject to additional or different terms and restrictions imposed by the third party responsible for the service.

The Services might display advertisements or promotional materials from third parties, including other providers of goods and services. These advertisements and promotional materials have not been verified or endorsed by us, do not constitute any advice from us, and should not be considered as an endorsement by us of the advertiser or their products or services.

You are not allowed to assign or transfer any of your rights or responsibilities outlined in these Terms of Use without obtaining prior written consent from the Service Provider, whether through operation of law or in conjunction with any change of control. The Service Provider reserves the right to assign or transfer any or all of its rights under these Terms of Use, either wholly or partially, without requiring your consent or approval.

Either party can terminate these Terms of Use at any time without cause by providing a written notice of fifteen (15) days to the other party through email. The Service Provider has the right to immediately terminate the Services to you without prior notice if you engage in any of the following actions:

  • Attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Website or Services, or assisting others in doing so.
  • Using the Services for illegal activities, including money laundering, illegal gambling operations, financing terrorism, or any other criminal activities.
  • Violating any terms outlined in these Terms of Use.
  • Failing to make payments or engaging in fraudulent payment transactions.
  • Experiencing unexpected operational difficulties.
  • Upon the request of law enforcement or other government authorities.

By accepting the Terms of Use, you acknowledge and agree that any claim against us must be resolved individually in the courts of England. This means you cannot bring a class, collective, or representative action against us, nor can you participate in or seek relief under any existing or future class, collective, consolidated, or representative action filed against us by someone else.

You consent to resolving any dispute, claim, or controversy arising from (a) these Terms of Use or their existence, breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation, or validity, or (b) your access to or use of the Services, in the courts of England. You explicitly waive the right to a trial by jury and any involvement as a plaintiff or class member in any alleged class action or representative proceeding.

The governing law for these Terms of Use and your use of the Services will be the laws of England and Wales.
